Year: 2012

  • The Two Kingdoms – Rekellia and Redami

    Summerfort is based on the border of two kingdoms. The first is Rekellia, largest and longest-lived of the countries in Galtharion. The second is Redami, youngest kingdom in the world. Rekellia is the remains of a continent-spanning empire that once united Galtharion. Its culture and history are rich and full, and though its time of…

  • Secrets of the Dragons

    Summerfort being a border town of appreciable size has attracted a handful of scholars from the Imperial capital. These scholars hope to discover, investigate, and catalogue traces of lost civilizations. Their mandate from the Empire comes from an Imperial desire to recover weapons to use against its enemies, and so their support is dependent on…

  • Keeping NPCs inline with the party

    NPCs in Æther can be created one of two ways. You can choose to create them as a standard character, giving the character points in attributes, then skill points then bonus points. Advancing the character is as simple as giving more skill points and spending them accordingly. That process can keep the bad guys the…

  • The Cult of Blood

    The villain in A Darkness at Summerfort is a sect of the Cult of Blood. No secret there. But who are they? Why are they so ominously named? I’ll tell you.

  • Introducing Stocking Stuffers in the SGG Store!

    Do you have something you want to give that certain someone, but it’s an electronic copy of an adventure or book? It’s tough to give that away; during this time of the year, it’s the thought that counts, but you can’t hand someone an electronic copy of an adventure. Except we made it so you…

  • Creating Memorable NPCs: Osric the Worthy

    Summerfort is home to a number of interesting, unusual, and colorful characters. It’s also home to a number of intentionally bland and unexciting folk. I wrote them that way to draw attention to the more exciting characters, but also to make the city seem more believable. To illustrate this, here I present one of the…

  • Thanksgiving, Sales, and Æthursday!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American fans! From all of us here to all of you out there, we hope your holiday is safe and that you enjoy this time observing the traditions that you have! On that note, one of the most American of traditions is Black Thursday and Cyber Monday. No doubt…

  • Wellstone City Wednesday – Salvation’s Soldiers

    Salvation’s Soldiers This group, made up almost entirely of veterans from within Wellstone City, is a charity organization that picks up many causes throughout Wellstone, but takes a special interest in the homeless and the victims of domestic abuse. They are mostly well known for two events: a bike ride for Memorial Day at the…

  • Destroying Summerfort

    For this edition of Summerfort Sundays, I present you with a look into the history of Summerfort’s development, and give you a rundown on where we’re going with it. The Con Game The microsetting of Summerfort was born out of a game I threw together for a convention. In the earliest days after Ingenium’s original…

  • Breaking Murphy has been released for Wellstone City!

    Have you ever had one of those days…one where nothing seems to be going right? One that starts out bad and just seems to get worse and worse? Today is one of those days. To top it off, your crew just got a call from the Boss; you have three hours to plan a bank…