I’m Going on an Adventure…and I’m Bringing…


Well, wait, what AM I bringing?

That was my first question. What do I need? What equipment, what stuff? What do I get to buy? Surprisingly, not all that much. It’s a VERY reasonable hobby, and one that takes very little start up.

Imagination seems to be the one thing everyone agrees is going to be very helpful for this. Thankfully, I’ve already got one of those. I grew up in a family that valued books and stories of all kinds so this is going to be great!

Did you know dice come in EVERY color of the rainbow? EVERY.. EVERY… COLOR! I was excited, I still AM excited. I instantly began planning how many sets I was going to need. Apparently… I don’t need that many, but now I WANT them in all those colors. I’ll start small. 3 sets. I have a pink set now, and then some of our Silver Gryphon Games dice, in red and black. I’m all set for now and yet I know I’ll buy more. I can see how dice collections get started. Dice are reasonably price and feed my need for shiny things. It’s like jewels or treasure of some kind. Uh oh… I might already have a dice problem.

Apparently I need character sheets, ok… well, I don’t know what to do with them yet, but ok… got them!

Looks like I need pencils and paper, I’m kind of weird because office supplies make me unreasonably happy so I’ve absolutely got this covered!

A calculator.. hmmmm, this sounds suspiciously like there could be math. I’m good with this, some systems have more math than others I’m told, so I will keep that in mind when I make my choices. Either way, that’s not going to be a problem because I love math.

Now apparently, the next thing I need is books. I need to decide what I want to play and what catches my attention the most. But bfore I make that decision I’m going to learn a little bit about vocabulary and common terms and phrases and what they mean, so that while I research I’ll know more about what I might want to play.

Alright… so that sounds like the basics.

Anyone have any other suggestions? Did I miss anything? Do I need to shop some more?


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