Breaking Murphy has been released for Wellstone City!

Have you ever had one of those days…one where nothing seems to be going right? One that starts out bad and just seems to get worse and worse? Today is one of those days. To top it off, your crew just got a call from the Boss; you have three hours to plan a bank hit, get something out of Vault Security Box 42, and get out. So far, you’ve broken a shoe lace, broken a mirror, and feel like you’re being stalked by black cats. You’ve got a bad, bad feeling about this…

This adventure takes a (potential) break from the normal Wellstone City Chronicles and uses a varient in the rules of the Wellstone City Encounter Deck to make an adventure that is literally different every time you play it. By drawing three cards at the beginning of the adventure, the Narrator determines what events happen during the hit that make this time through it unique. These three card draws can dramatically change the way the adventure runs, and even shift alliances of the PCs, so we consider it to be the “gag episode” of Wellstone City.

When drawing cards, you might get any of the following, plus other results for every single other card in the deck:

  • A bus load of kids from a local charity organization is taking a tour of the bank, unbeknownst to the PCs at the initial time of the hit.
  • The mother of one of the PCs is in the bank and recognizes the PC. She does not become one of the people already listed as one of the people in the bank; she is a new person completely.
  • The Bank Manager has a heart attack before the PCs can get the vault open and he is the only one who knew the combination.
  • The power goes out. A pelican dropped a fish into a transformer and it blew up. The city is going to need a few hours to get it sorted out.
  • A rabid bat swarm comes down out of the drop ceiling.

This adventure is filled with art from Ari Syahrazad, and comes with a map provided by Fabled Environments! A larger version of the map can be purchased from Fabled Environments, either from their store front at Drive Thru RPG and their affiliates, or get a huge physical print out from their online store at!

Add Breaking Murphy to your collection of Wellstone City Chronicles today! It is available for both the Savage Worlds and Æther systems!